There’s power. And then there’s brain power.

At Vantage Data Centers, our processes and technologies are not simply written into an SLA but practiced with rigor by Vantage personnel at every level of responsibility. We rely on a data-driven Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) process to bring continuous, yet controlled, improvements to the reliable and predictable infrastructure you want.

Certified teams on site.

While our infrastructure has built-in monitoring, it’s wise to ask who is monitoring the monitors. At Vantage, we are—24/7/365. One more advantage of our standardized campus approach is that the systems we install—each one state-of-the-art and chosen after meticulous research, evaluation and testing—are known to our on-site personnel like the backs of their hands. For our most critical systems, there are factory-certified technicians on staff making sure these systems are functioning as they should. If we see a problem, we fix it, and tell you, typically before you’d ever even notice.

Because factory-certified Vantage personnel are on-site with immediate access to most replacement parts, they can perform in and out of warranty repairs—on UPS systems, pumps, motors, controllers and more—before outsourced contractors can even begin to diagnose. We’ve taken this approach because problems do occur; that is the baseline assumption we make in order to bring you the most efficient resolution. And for routine, ongoing maintenance, we share our maintenance calendar well in advance so that you are never surprised. Our goal is to ensure there’s never an interruption in your service.

outside Santa Clara data center CA12

Measure. Then measure how you measure.

It’s a given that we measure things like temperature fluctuations, humidity and power consumption, but we also measure how we measure. For example, we make sure scheduled maintenance occurs on schedule. Does a week late mean anything as long as nothing went wrong? At Vantage, the answer is yes. Maintenance is measured to tight time windows in order to ensure that monthly or quarterly maintenance happens on the schedule. This avoids maintenance at the end of one month and then the same occurring at the beginning of the next month and appearing as two separate monthly maintenances. Rather than wait until failure begins (even though redundancy assures you would never be affected by it), we repair and replace proactively. This can only be done when processes are followed to the letter. And at Vantage, we do—it’s how we operate some of the world’s most flexible and scalable data centers.

man touching blue data pad

Systems run in the background. People are still front and center.

While we adhere to rigorous internal processes to ensure operational excellence, these policies and procedures are open and transparent—you’ll feel it from day one of partnering with us. During your onboarding, we’re happy to delve into these processes to whatever level of granularity will provide peace of mind. While onboarding is a start, we never consider it as ending—you’ll find our quarterly operational reviews cover all the bases, from data center ambience trends to power usage, presented as data that supports changes you may require or that we might recommend to optimize your environment. It’s all part of our philosophy of being a continuing resource you can call on throughout the relationship.

  • Certified personnel on-site
  • Rigorous processes replicated world-wide
  • Complete operational transparency, from team members to systems access—with ongoing communications to keep you informed along the way
  • Comprehensive onboarding, move-in assistance, ongoing quarterly reviews
man walking in data center with clipboard

Tools that help us help you.

Your self-service customer portal always gives you full transparency into your data center operations, and in virtually real time (1-5 minute update intervals). However, we’re proud of the fact that you may not use it much. We’ve discovered that our long-term customers rarely check their portal simply because they’ve discovered how smoothly everything operates. Your most valuable resource—your time—can be focused on your business, not on day-to-day workings of your data center . . . that’s our responsibility.

Customizable reporting features within the portal include dashboards, reports, e-mail and text alerts, trending graphs and more. The portal also provides a quick and simple way to request new services such as badges, reports, audits, temperature adjustments, loading dock reservations, and more. All requests can be made in a single location, and you can track the status of your requests through completion. You want transparency; we’re ready to provide it, in every detail, down to root cause analyses and lessons learned incident reports.

Monitor thousands of data points in near real-time, including:

  • Temperature and relative humidity at aisle and data module levels (minimum of three sensors per aisle)
  • Power utilization
  • PUE
  • Breaker status for key electrical gear
  • And more
typing on laptop with line graphs

Related Resources


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Not all data center providers are equal. Chris Yetman talks about what wholesale data center consumers should look for when choosing a provider.

A Guided Data Center Tour

Step inside one of our state-of-the-art data centers and experience all that Vantage has to offer.

Ready to answer all your questions.
